Our products are made by professional artists and sound designers, with usability in mind


The website is 100% SSL And Payments are done with PayPal, PayPal accepts all major cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, credit cards, Discover, JCB and more)


You can download your purchased files immediately after the payment. is available in your user account.

24/7 Email Support

Fast & Efficient Customer Service Via Email !


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I download the files?

You can download your purchased files immediately after the payment. is available in your user account.

Are there a limit for downloads? How many times can I download the products I buy?

7 Days

Payments Process ?

All payments are processed by the company PayPal, PayPal is a secure form to pay and used by millions of people daily. PayPal accepts all major cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Credit cards, Discover, JCB and more). our use the highest-level SSL encryption for all transactions.

Are your products royalty-free?

All content on our page is provided to us by our vendors as royalty-free unless specifically stated in a product's included license agreement. Royalty-free means that once you've purchased a sound product, you do not need to pay any further royalties or commissions use of the sounds.

Do I need additional plugins that are not included in my DAW?

Some templates need additional plugins. Please read the requirements for each particular template to ensure that you have all plugins required to run the project properly.

I have problems completing the payment process. What should I do?

Please use our contact form to contact our support. We will reply to your inquiry within the shortest time possible.

I am having difficulty opening the project. I can't figure out how to uncompress it. How do I get it to work?

Firstly, make sure you downloaded the files completely. Secondly, double check to ensure that you have the most up to date version of the software as specified in the product description. This solves the issue 95% of the time. If you still need help, contact us at support AT

How do I reset my password Account?

Select pages forgot password , (1) Enter your email open your email inbox, (2) follow the password reset instructions that we've sent you. Or you can reset your password using your email Address